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Our Projects
Educational Programme

Under education, KBN Trust strives to promote and catalyze universal education among children from underprivileged section of society. The aim being that education should lead to change not only in the amount of knowledge gained but also in the abilities to do, to think and to acquire habits, skills and attitude which characterize an individual who is socially accepted and adjusted.

We at KBN Trust believe that Quality Education is the key to overcome poverty in a single generation. It is also fundamental in creating a future for human security, community development and national progress. It is an enormous challenge. It is also an immense opportunity!

Education is a means to an end, KBN Charitable Trust believes in the "empowering" effect of education and its ability to enable people to develop a critical questioning attitude towards society, government, existing gender and cultural stereo types.
Education is the foundation for well being. KBN Charitable Trust believes that Illiteracy is a solemn curse and wishes to eliminate this imprecation through concerted effort. Our endeavor is to provide adequate education opportunity to every deserving underprivileged child in India. In our endeavor to improve the quality of education imparted through the non formal sector KBN Charitable Trust aim/work for :
Contributed to State government for building Primary School in village Karju.
Achieving 100% School enrolment and retention.
Promoting girl child education by helping government to build Hostel for Tribal Girls in village Karju.
Capacitating teachers to be effective as facilitators of learning.
Promoting the culture of reading and providing conducive learning environment.
To improve basic education, literacy, and entry level vocational education for school children with incentive to both performing teacher and students.
Implementation of ICT-supported services to disadvantaged regions.
Creation of community learning and technology centers (CLTCs) for social and economic information resources and lifelong learning.
KBN Charitable Trust regularly provide education related support, both monetary & in the form of material needs such as books, uniforms & accommodation costs etc., for the "Meritorious Underprivileged" children.
To develop libraries, study centers, educational materials etc., for the "Meritorious Underprivileged".
To liaise with international organizations like UNICEF, UN & other related NGO's, both in India & abroad for Professional support & fulfillment of Foundation's goals and objectives.
To organize seminars, capacity building workshops, leadership training & personality development programs for people belonging to all walks of life.
To publish educational materials, pamphlets, booklets and journals propagating Foundation's goals and objectives.
To develop state of art resource center using the latest technology for dissemination of education related information.
Providing alternate / parallel support systems for the child's overall personality development.
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